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Essays on ramayana

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Odyssey and Ramayana
11 pages (2804 words) , Download 2
The paper "Odyssey and Ramayana" compares the rhetorical functions of important episodes from two literary works namely, The Odyssey by Homer and The Ramayana by Valmiki, specifically, the story of a bow contest involving Odysseus from the Odyssey and the Bow Contest from Book I of the Ramayana.... Epic literature and cultural myths have consistent patterns of story-telling, particularly in relation to the heroic actions of their lead characters, with respect to the different cultures from which...
Medea and Ramayana
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3
Date: Medea and Ramayana (Ancient World) World Literature Their generic form and conventions as related to or even as outcomes of their social, religious and political milieus OR a demonstration of the historical development of the genre Medea is a very old Greek myth revolving around the life of Medea who was from a royal family with her grandfather being the god of the sun and her father being the king.... Medea also had a heroic husband Jason whom they had children with but later betrayed her...
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Ramayana and Mahabharata
1 pages (245 words) , Download 10
The essay under the title "Ramayana and Mahabharata" demonstrates that Ramayana and Mahabharata portray women whose lives are greatly affected and controlled by the society and the other characters particularly the males' perception of women in general.... The paper shows that some women are viewed as immoral in both epics. In Mahabharata, Ahalya is punished for adultery, such as Seeta that although she is sinless she undergoes the test of purity. Pre-marital & post-wedlock sex is also not allowed,...
The Ramayana Mythology
7 pages (1767 words) , Download 0
The paper "The Ramayana Mythology" tells a tale that gives many insights into diverse and broad aspects of the historical Indian culture and its influence on the modern Indian Society in different fields such as politics, religion, and today's art's India.... Women such as Sita and Kausaya demonstrate the characteristics and behaviour of those good in society. Sita tries to prove to her husband, Rama that she was faithful the entire time she was kidnapped. Even after she is banished following her...
Ramayana and Shakuntala: A Comparison
3 pages (750 words) , Download 8
Both Ramayana and Shakuntala are great works of artistic and philosophical merit. Originally written in Sanskrit close to two millennia ago, their authorship and date of origin are both speculative and mythologized.... Both Ramayana and Shakuntala are great works of artistic and philosophical merit. Originally written in Sanskrit close to two millennia ago, their authorship and date of origin are both speculative and mythologized. Yet, these ambiguities do not detract from their unique contributions...
Analysis of The Ramayana Story
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2
The author of the essay focuses on the story of the Ramayana, in which Sita is one of the main characters. Rama and Lakshmana are two of King Dasaratha's sons and were requested by Vishwamitra (the sage, or wise man) to kill Ravana, the ruler of the rakshasas. ... Sita was found as a child by King Janaka, who basically adopted her as his own daughter. The king loved Sita incredibly, and his love for her was obvious. "Many princes have desired her hand in marriage but I wanted the man who married...
Analyzing the Ramayana
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
The Vishnu god gave heavenly liquor to all the wives of Kings for them to bring forth sons, who are Vishnu's partial incarnation. Amongst the sons, Rama is the strongest and... When Rama became an adult, he got to know Sita, who was the beautiful daughter of Janak and mother earth. King Janak is the one who possessed a strong weapon, King Janak makes a resolution whoever has the ability to bend the bow will marry Sita. The King says this while he is quite aware that no ordinary man can achieve that....
Ramas Perfect Dharma in the Ramayana
5 pages (1384 words) , Download 0
This review "Rama's Perfect Dharma in the Ramayana" is portrayed by various characters, with each character representing dharma in a different way, based on the role in which each individual plays in the epic story. Each of these characters portrayed in the story is important.... King Dasaratha, on the other hand, is a character in The Ramayana that fulfills and fails to fulfill his dharma in equal measure, thus demonstrating the shifting nature of Dharma. King Dasaratha observed depicted the moral...
The Ramayana By R. K. Narayan
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
The classic age of the Indian community was a period in which the society's values were founded on religious responsibility of a man, as well as the purity of women. In the story Ramayana, two characters Rama and Sita are shown as persons who have ideal character, in view of... The moral aspect of each of them is brought out through many challenges that test both of them. Their actions and decisions through the story indicate how the perspective of Indian culture of an ideal person is described....
Comparing themes in Gilgamesh and Ramayana
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3
The theme is made relevant in the life of Enkidu who is moved by love to transform from a wild man into a noble person as a result of his... As a result their friendship transits from that of a bully and a tyrant to that of an exemplary king as well as a hero. Love motivates them into a life of interdependence as Enkidu ensures checks and balance on the restless and powerful energies of The theme of love in Gilgamesh and Ramayana The theme of love in Gilgamesh appear to be both in the form of erotic...
Comparing themes in gilgamesh and ramayana
2 pages (500 words) , Download 9
However, this paper aims at comparing the theme of love as presented by Ramayan and Gilgamesh in their respective works. In writing his piece of work, Ramayan associated love with... This is in connection with how he related the four brothers in his epic. For instance, he claimed that the four brothers; Rama, Bharata, Lakshmana, and Satrughna grew as close friends because of the love they had towards each other (Lawall 1172). However, he emphasizes Comparing Themes in Gilgamesh and Ramayana The Epic...
Discussion of two myths: The Aneid and Ramayana
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
Discussion of Two Myths: The Aneid and Ramayana The modern world is characterized by increasing global interaction, resulting in higher levels of conflict between different cultures and an increasing lack of cultural identity. While both the Aeneid and the Ramayana are tales of wandering heroes, the Latin epic The Aeneid mirrors the conflict that ensues when the seeker is in search of identity while conflicted with many different possible alternatives.... The Aeneid is more relevant to modern life...
Comparing Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection and Ramayana
9 pages (2357 words) , Download 1
"Comparing Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection and Ramayana" paper compares the immortal epic, Ramayana by Valmiki, and the renowned Sanskrit drama Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection by Kalidasa which are great examples of poetic craftsmanship in the context of the world of literature.... An adequate understanding of ancient socio-cultural trends of a particular civilization is always a challenge, mainly due to two reasons, first, lack of authentic source and second, availability of those...
The Role of the Women in Gilgamesh, Oedipus and Ramayana
1 pages (250 words) , Download 6
In the essay 'The Role of the Women in Gilgamesh, Oedipus, and Ramayana' the author looks at the roles of the women in ancient epics. In all these three epics, the women are presented as the repositories of insight, wisdom, and inspiration. The ancient epic Gilgamesh is of Sumerian origins. ... The author states that women are shown in this epic to be characters that embody this special awareness. For instance priestess, Shamhat is an important character in Gilgamesh. She conveys and embodies wisdom....
Two major epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana of India
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
The set of relatives become bitter rivals and are at war with each other over possession of the ancestral land Bharata. There are also... Ramayana poem, on the other hand, is about King Dasaratha of the Kosala, who has four sons. Each of the four sons is partly an incarnation of the god Vishnu. The five sons of Pandu had five The five sons who were heroes got assistance in the war by various gods, and Brahmins. Seer Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa was part of the gods that assisted the sons in the war....
Monster Comparison and Contrast in Gilgamesh, Odyssey and Ramayana Myths
7 pages (1969 words) , Download 2
From the paper "Monster Comparison and Contrast in Gilgamesh, Odyssey and Ramayana Myths" it is clear that for the Biblical enthusiasts, there is no doubt that perhaps the famous story of Noah and the great ark alluded to at some point in the journey of self-discovery by King Gilgamesh rings a bell.... The protagonist was a superhuman king who ruled his subjects with iron hands. Forced labor in the execution of the great kingdom's immense building projects was the order of the day. As if this unjust...
Culture in The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of Indian Epic by Narayan
1 pages (383 words) , Download 2
The book review "Culture in The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of Indian Epic by Narayan " states that it is one of the illustrative and enlightened books compiled with rich language throwing light on the great Indian epic prose called Ramayana. ... Decked up with the tales of abduction, exile, politics for the throne, romance for the spouse and battle between the evil and good symbolized by the battle between the demon the deities, the mythological tale was actually written by a learned...
Tulsidas, Saint Poet of India
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
It was from his guru, Narahari Das that he first learnt the story of Ramayana, but since it was in Sanskrit, the language of the Brahmin classes, he only grasped the story after many recitations.... It was in Ayodhya that the Lord Rama is said to have appeared to him in a dream, and to have commanded him to write a Ramayana in the language used by the common people.... He began this work in the year 1574 and within 3 years had written his greatest epic poem, popularly called Tulsi-krita Ramayana, but entitled by its author Ramacharitamanasa, or the Lake of Rama's Deeds....
The Relationship between Roma and Sita
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2
The book, “Ramayana” is viewed as one of the utmost Indian epics.... The book, “Ramayana” is viewed as one of the utmost Indian epics.... he Relationship between Roma and Sita The translation from Narayan R, K, of the book, “Ramayana” The Relationship between Roma andSita Introduction The book, “Ramayana” is viewed as one of the utmost Indian epics.... Ramayana.... The Indian Epics Retold: The Ramayana....
Classical Thai Dance, Rhamakayian and Todays Audience
13 pages (3464 words) , Download 2
The National Epic of Thailand: Rhamakayian has been transformed from the original Ramayana several times over centuries as monarchies changed with history.... ical Thai Dance, Rhamakayian and Today's Audience Introduction The National Epic of Thailand: Rhamakayian has been transformed from the original Ramayana several times over centuries as monarchies changed with history.... The study will show how the royal family changed Rhamakayian from the original Ramayana developing two distinct dance styles which began centuries ago....
Reflections: Oddysey, Rama's Exile, Oedipus and Medea
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
Ramayana” revolves around good and evil.... In “Ramayana”, Kaikeyi and Ravana possess the perfect examples of such traits.... For instance, the fact that the “Ramayana” focus on the good and the evil invokes the feelings of love for the good and hatred for the evil in the epic.... In the “Ramayana”, heroism revolves around the good people fighting the evil within the society....
Comparing the Role of Women in Classical Societies
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3
hile in the ancient Indian classical society, Sita in Ramayana fulfills the role of a dutiful wife of Rama in all respects.... To protect her and to provide for her in return of her loyalty is illustrated in the Ramayana.... While the Ramayana supports the subordinate role of women, Sita as wife, mother and woman juxtaposed with the rule of Ram as the superior one.... The Ramayana, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 20-22 166-164, 1977....
The Environmental Writings and Ideas of Hinduism
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 1
The "The Environmental Writings and Ideas of Hinduism" paper contains the exploration and discussion on the environmental writings and ideas of Hinduism which prove that Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Vedas, and Upanishads in Hinduism which deal with environmental writings.... Thesis statement: The exploration and discussion on the environmental writings and ideas of Hinduism prove that Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Vedas and Upanishads in Hinduism deal with environmental writings, and Hindu lifestyle, Hindu spirituality, Hindu teachings, Hindu Dharma, and Karma deal with environmental ideas....
Praneshacharya's Actions in Samskara
7 pages (1773 words) , Download 0
Viewed from a particular perspective, it correlates to Rama's character in Ramayana.... Finally, the paper comparing and contrasting his choices to those of the characters in the Ramayana, will spell out what he could have done differently.... omparison with Ramayana character and how Praneshacharya could have done differently ... hen Praneshacharya's actions, particularly his illicit relationship with Chandri and thus being dishonest with his wife, is viewed from a particular perspective, it has some correlation to Rama's character in Ramayana....
Heroism in The Odyssey and Rama's Exile
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
The paper "Heroism in The Odyssey and Rama's Exile" aims at analyzing Odyssey by Homer and Ramayana Valmiki in relation to the 'heroism and cause and effect of protagonists' long exile from their homeland while determining the reasons for their actions and decisions'.... Odyssey written by Greek Poet Homer and Ramayana written by Indian Poet Valmiki are two such great literary works that still enchants public and critics alike for a variety of reasons but the main being that civilizations identify with the characters and try to emulate them....
See attachments
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3
The Ramayana is basically a classical Indian tale played out by deities, demons, animals, and humans and the bedrock of this tale is formed by the concept that all these characters are able to turn into one another.... Maintaining perfect kingship, conformity, and 11 November The Ramayan: This report is primarily based on contemplating a widely acclaimed epic book “The Ramayana” which is written by R.... The Ramayana is basically a classical Indian tale played out by deities, demons, animals, and humans and the bedrock of this tale is formed by the concept that all these characters are able to turn into one another....
Managed Multiculturalism in Eastern Europe
4 pages (1157 words) , Download 3
They are all found in the Ramayana theatre.... They have managed to create mystery, fantasy epic stories with deeper meanings hence, giving a new meaning to the culture of theatre in Ramayana theatre.... The paper "Managed Multiculturalism in Eastern Europe" states that Eastern Europe has a diverse group of individuals....
Women Role in World Literature
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2
With the help of various pieces like the Mahabharata, Gita, Ramayana, Lisystrata and Oedipus, the role of women in various aspects including the household and industry have been depicted with the help of examples within the purview of this essay.... In the Ramayana, it was because of the motivation of Sita that Ram was able to gather courage and fight Ravana in order to free her.... Women thus hold a very important role within society; as discussed from the pages of Oedipus to Lysistrata and Julius Caesar, and Ramayana to the Mahabharata and Gita, women have proven time and again to be the equal of a man....
Balinese Dance Kecak
8 pages (2152 words) , Download 2
Kecak Dance comprises an amalgamation of various Indian cultural exorcism movements and themes whose purpose entailed to narrate Ramayana account (Ubud).... These composers sourced ideas from the Indian culture whereby they merged them with the knowhow they possessed with the intention of narrating Ramayana account by acting.... Kecak dance is one of the numerous Indian expressions of Ramayana account.... In addition, despite the Ramayana epic being the theme of the dance, it is a borrowed and incorporated aspect meant to entertain the viewers, but not for exorcism....
Thailan dances
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2
It is also called as the ‘Land of Thousand Smiles'.... It is situated in the center of Southeast Asia.... ‘Bangkok' is known as its capital.... Its geography forms many natural borders with neighboring countries (a.... ... ... of mountains borders with Maynmar (Burma) to the north and west, a long spread river called Mekong separating Thailand from Laos to the north & east, the Dongrak mountains and the Mekong river are portraying the border of Cambodia to the east)....
Cultural Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3
The Birth of Super Humans on Earth
8 pages (2115 words) , Download 2
Ramayana teaches us to be an ideal son, an ideal king, and an ideal husband and to follow the laws of dharma at every stage.... No doubt, this is what everyone desires to be and there is a lot be learnt from Ramayana but transcendence as in the case of Gilgamesh makes it easier for mortal human beings to identify themselves.... he Ramayana, (December 02 2005).... ohnson Jean, Rama and the Ramayana: Lessons in Dharma, (December 02 2005)....
Cultural Mythology
8 pages (2273 words) , Download 2
The epics placed in different periods, in Hindu mythology and Ramayana, demonstrate the times and life of Lord Rama, and it happens in the Treta Yuga.... Sanskrit epic poetry encompasses both Mahabharata and Ramayana, and the two refer to the scriptures of Hindu; they take a massive stature in the religious and literary circle.... Most Indians believe that the story of Ramayana is a fact; this incidence is supported by the fact that India did not have recorded history before the Britons went to India....
Cultural Mythology: Indian Culture
8 pages (2273 words) , Download 0
he epics placed in different periods, in Hindu mythology and Ramayana, demonstrate the times and life of Lord Rama, and it happens in the Treta Yuga.... Sanskrit epic poetry encompasses both Mahabharata and Ramayana, and the two refer to the scriptures of Hindu; they take a massive stature in the religious and literary circle.... Most Indians believe that the story of Ramayana is a fact; this incidence is supported by the fact that India did not have recorded history before the Britons went to India....
Fate in God's or Human's Terms
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
“The Epic of Gilgamesh,” “The Odyssey,” “Oedipus the King,” and “The Ramayana of Valmiki” have different definitions of fate.... Name Instructor Class 13 December 2011 Fate in God's or Human's Terms Ancient text and Greek literature abound with the theme of fate, where heroes and heroines either do what they have to, in order to achieve their goals, or mercy of their gods define what happens to them....
The Concept of Don Quixote
1 pages (265 words) , Download 2
Yet, it is a fact that as Rama in Ramayana is committed to a sacrosanct way of life or Dharma, Don Quixote in his world is indeed committed to an idea of chivalry and romance.... The paper "The Concept of Don Quixote" states that Don Quixote as a character tends to evince multiple facets to his personality....
A Theatre Form Called Nautanki
8 pages (2047 words) , Download 2
propose a sequence from Ramayana where Shurpanakha, a sister of Ravan goes to the jungle camp of Ram, Sita and Laxman.... s jungle dwelling princes, they wear either white or light orange clothes, draped the traditional way, presumed to be prevalent in the days of Ramayana even though there is no hard proof for it.... As Aryans have written the Ramayana, Shurpanakha was depicted as a very ugly woman....
See description
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2
Major scriptures are the knowledge (Vedas), philosophies (Upanishads), cosmology (Puranas), aspirations of life (Mahabharata), roles of various people (Ramayana), philosophical dialogue (Bhagavad Gita) and traditional doctrines (Āgamas).... The religion encompasses sects having the biggest number of followers (Shaivism and Vaishnavism), and conservatism (Śrauta) customs among others....
Implications of Rajput Portraiture
8 pages (2339 words) , Download 2
Rajput paintings contained popular themes such as: court and hunting scenes; the Ramayana and the Mahabharata; women, lovers and romance; and pictorial representations of musical modes (ragamala).... On the contrary, the Rajputs were far more interested in religious narratives, such as Ramayana.... Rajput portraiture can be said to have picked up certain elements of Mughal due to the miniature and high quality aesthetics employed in the figures; Akbar's study of religions across India helped him gather certain elements of Hinduism that were mostly portrayed in text such as Mahabharata and the Ramayana, and sometimes in the Mughal paintings....
Othello Character Analysis
5 pages (1326 words) , Download 2
Rama Othello is the central character of Shakespeare's drama; Othello whereas Rama is the central character of Indian epic Ramayana written by Valmiki.... Ramayana was written in Sanskrit language whereas Othello was written in English language.... This essay "Othello Character Analysis" discusses Rama and Othello that had many similarities and differences in their characters....
Traditional Femininity vs Modern Femininity in Indian Cinema
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3
ijai Mishra states that Indian movies produced in Mumbai can be used as retransformation of the most ancient Indian epics, Mahabharata and Ramayana (128).... Both sacred Indian works, Mahabharata and Ramayana portray a woman as a perfect and devoted creature, thus the concept of idealized female as loyal, domestic, and sacrificing has been implemented into social consciousness from early age.... This understanding is based on the fact that Ramayana images were perceived as emblematic and guiding. ...
Hinduism, the Religion as portrayed in Bollywood Cinema
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3
The central theme of the film consisted of a mythological story contained in the two great Indian epics “Ramayana” and “Mahabharata”.... The Indian “Puranas” (old texts) along with the two great Indian epics: the “Ramayana” and the “Mahabharata” serve as the storehouse of the majority of the mythological tales.... On the other hand, the two epics: “Ramayana” written by sage Valmiki and the “Mahabharata” compiled by sage Ved Vyas are not strictly religious texts....
Personal Mythology: An Introduction to the Concept
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7
“Supernatural human life of Ravana God of Ramayana is considered to have ten heads that are symbol of attainment of all seven cosmic layers of lack of information and three subtle world information” (Supernatural human life of Ravana) Ravana is considered to be the king of “Assuras” who has stolen the wife (Sita) of Hindu God Raman and settled in Lanka....
The Spaces between Stars by Geeta Kothari
2 pages (500 words) , Download 9
Texts such as the Upanishads and epics such as Ramayana and Mahabaratha serve as mediums of this philosophic discourse.... In the report, the researcher has discussed the story called 'The Spaces between Stars' written by Geeta Kothari.... The major weaknesses of this study are concentrated on the interpretation based on Hinduism....
Hinduism and buddhism
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2
hile Hinduism turns to the Gita, the Ramayana, the Vedas, and the Upanishads to appreciate life, Buddhism on the other hand does not acknowledge any of the Hindu manuscripts (Gellner 45).... Hinduism and Buddhism share some similarities, which include the following.... ... ... ... ...
The Epic of Gilgamesh (trans. Maureen Gallery Kovacs)
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2
xamples for these epic poetic patterns are Homer's Odyssey, and Saint Valmiki's Indian epic poem, Ramayana written in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit.... The second and third books of Ramayana deals with the going of King Rama into exile into the forest where he confronts the demon king Ravana who steals away the king's wife Sita and he had to fight to get back his wife....
Religions of the World
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3
An important text in Hinduism is the Ramayana.... Ramayana was written by Valmiki.... The purpose of this assignment "Religions of the World" is to briefly outline the main guiding principles of the Hinduism, Buddism, Christianity, Islam, and Induism.... Additionally, the writer of the assignment describes the origin of each particular religion....
Shiva-Vishnu Temple, Dykes Road
8 pages (2181 words) , Download 3
Ramayana, an epic by Valmiki, depicts the life of Rama ­– one of the most revered incarnation of Vishnu said to have existed around 7000-9000 BCE.... Most devout Hindus keep Ramayana in their home and read a few lessons from it daily.... The paper "Shiva-Vishnu Temple, Dykes Road" discusses that generally, the essence of every living being is Atman (soul)....
Parallel Mythologies: Chinese and Hindu Mythologies
3 pages (879 words) , Download 2
Tales of Panchatantra and Jataka are as well popular, as other stories from the Bhagvad-Gita, Mahabharata, and Ramayana (Cotterell, 1986).... The paper "Parallel Mythologies: Chinese and Hindu Mythologies" states that generally speaking, concerning Chinese methodology, it is possible to claim that the Taoist mythological pantheon is the embodiment of different sources and features of energy....
Impact of the Indian Hindu on the Hindu Films
5 pages (1274 words) , Download 2
In the Indian epic “Ramayana” Hanuman plays a significant role in helping Lord Rama to reclaim his wife Sita Devi from the clutches of the Rakshas (demon) king Ravana, by defeating the latter in a fierce battle.... The paper "Impact of the Indian Hindu on the Hindu Films" critically analyzes the impact of the Indian Hindu religion on Hindu films....
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